Basic Search Algorithms

Basic Search Algorithm

  1. Linear Search
  2. Binary Search
  3. Hashing


check all of the list one by one.

Time complexity



  • It does not matter about date type
  • need memory space as total list n


check middle of list first. if the number is smaller than what you are looking for, check right side only and doing this continuously. It will decrease search list in half.

Time complexity

O(log n)


  • pre-condition : the list sorted
  • pre-condition : when new data inserted, need to sort
  • Since it need to sort when new data inserted, it can be very slow if there are a lot of insertion
  • one of divide-and-conquer technique



By using hash code, find the value. Usually, use Hash map or Hash table

Time complexity



  • It does not matter about date type
  • It need more memories than total list n
  • The worst case, hashing can be slow because of hash collision


Search more than Insert -> Binary Search

Insert more than Search -> Linear Search

use more space to faster -> hashing


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