i++ vs. ++i prefix operator and postfix operator

++iprefix increment operatori = i+1;return i;
i++postfix increment operatorfinal int t = i; i = i+1; return t;
–iprefix decrement operatori = i-1;return i;
i–postfix decrement operatorfinal int t = i; i = i-1; return t;
int x = 2;
int y = 2;
System.out.println(x * y++);// x=2, y=2 add later so, print 4(=2*2) then y =3
System.out.println(x * y++);// x=2, y=3 add later so, print 6(=2*3) then y =4
int x = 2;
int y = 2;
System.out.println(x * ++y);//x=2, y=2 add first so, y=3 then print 6(=2*3)


  • ++i wil give you slightly better speed and memory. If you are working with backend(Java), this is not important. However, if you are working with console games(C++), this is important.
  • i++ will happen after run the code
  • ++i will happen before run the code


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