
Arithmetic Operation in Python

kinds of Arithmetic Operation in Python Symbol explaination return + Addition depend on input type - Subtraction depend on input type * Multiplication depend on input type / Division real number // Division Integer % Remaineder real number ** power of depend on input type and and logic gare T or F or or logic gate T or F < less than T or F > greater than T or F <= less than or equal T or F >= greater than or equal T or F == equal T or F Result +, -, *, /, //, %, **, <, >, <=, >= table A B result int int int A+B result int float float A+B result int bool-T int A+1 result int bool-F int A+0 result int none TypeError int String TypeError float bool-T float A+1 result float bool-F float A+0 result float none TypeError float String TypeError bool none TypeError bool String TypeError none String TypeError When computer created and programming language started, 1 was true and 0 was false.