
what is comparator in Java

Hierarchy package: java.util.Comparator Definition Sorting interface that designed for mutiple special conditions by creating compare method. For example, you can sort list in ascending order of size and descending order of letters. about the compare() method if compare() method return positive number, swap the input parameters else will be remain same condition return First parameter < second parameter negative First parameter == second parameter 0 First parameter > second parameter positive How to use MyComparator implements Comparator<>

what is diffence between comparator and compatable in JAVA

Definition Both interfaces are very similer because they are for sorting lists and arrays. However, one is for one condition and other one is for mutiple conditions. Difference Comparable Comparator java.lang package. java.util package. Comparable affects the original class Comparator doesn’t affect the original class compareTo() method with 1 parameter compare() method with 2 parameters Collections.sort(List) Collections.sort(List, Comparator) Arrays.