
conditional and loop statement in Python-if, for, while

conditional statement and loop statement in Python conditional statement (if statement) One Condition Keyword: if if [condition] : [space]code you want to learn Multiple Condition Keyword: elif if must there before use elif if [condition] : [space]code you want to learn elif [condition] : [space]code you want to learn elif [condition] : [space]code you want to learn Other than Condition Keyword: else if must there before use else if [condition] : [space]code you want to learn else : [space]code you want to learn if Statement Example a = 3 if a > 5: print("a is bigger than 5") elif a > 0: print("a is bigger than 0 but smaller than 5") else: print("a is negative") Loop Statement (for Statement) Repeat Example 10 times loop for i in range(10): print("Hi") list loop Example Repeat as much as elements in list a = ["A", "B", "C"] for i in a: print(i) # A B C list loop with index Example Repeat as much as elements in list for i, j in enumerate(a): print(i, ":", j) # 0 : A # 1 : B # 2 : C add two list and loop Example The pair’s data type is tuple numbers = [9, 7, 7] letters = ["z", "x", "y"] for pair in zip(numbers, letters): print(pair) # (9, 'z') # (7, 'x') # (7, 'y') Loop with certain index Example 5 to 9 for i in range(5, 10): # 5 ~ 9 print("Hello", i) # Hello 5 # Hello 6 # Hello 7 # Hello 8 # Hello 9 loop until certain condition loop until i is “o” a = "balloon" for i in a: print(i) if i == "o": break # b a l l o Loop Statement (while Statement) loop until certain condition loop until i is bigger than 5 i = 0 while i < 5: print(i) i = i + 1 # 0 1 2 3 4